Kumaha Ngabéréskeun Poto iPhone Henteu Ditingalikeun Lokasi?

In today’s digital age, our smartphones serve as personal memory vaults, capturing every precious moment of our lives. Among the myriad features, one that adds a layer of context and nostalgia to our photos is location tagging. However, it can be quite frustrating when iPhone photos fail to display their location information. If you find yourself in this predicament, fear not, as we delve into the reasons behind this issue and explore effective solutions.

1. Why Are iPhone Photos Not Showing Location?

Before delving into the solutions, it’s essential to grasp why your iPhone photos might not be displaying their location information:

  • Location Services Disabled : If you’ve inadvertently turned off location services for your camera app, your photos won’t be tagged with location data.

  • Setélan Privasi : iOS offers granular control over app permissions. If you’ve denied the camera app access to your location, it won’t be able to tag your photos with location information.

  • Sinyal GPS goréng : Sometimes, your iPhone might struggle to obtain a strong GPS signal, resulting in inaccurate or missing location data.

  • Software Glitches : Like any electronic device, iPhones aren’t immune to software bugs. An underlying software issue might be preventing your photos from displaying location information.

2. How to Resolve iPhone Photos Not Showing Location?

Now, let’s explore the step-by-step solutions to rectify this vexing issue:

2.1 Enable Location Services for Camera App

  • Open “Settings” on your iPhone, scroll down and select “Privacy & Security” and tap on “Location Services” (Ensure that “Location Services” is toggled on).
  • Scroll down and find your camera app in the list.
  • Verify that “Always” or “While Using the App” is selected.
allow camera to access location

2.2 Grant Camera App Access to Location

  • Follow the steps above to navigate to “Privacy” > “Location Services”.
  • Find your camera app in the list.
  • Ensure that it’s allowed access to your location.
location services camera

2.3 Reset Location & Privacy Settings

  • Go to “Settings” > “General” > “Transfer or Reset iPhone”.
  • Make your selection “Reset Location & Privacy” > “Reset Settings” .
  • Confirm your action by entering your passcode.
iphone ngareset privasi lokasi

2.4 Check GPS Signal

  • Ensure that you’re in an open area with clear visibility of the sky.
  • Temporarily disable Airplane Mode if enabled.
  • Restart your iPhone to refresh its GPS functionality.
Hurungkeun sareng mareuman Modeu Pesawat

2.5 Update iOS

  • Sometimes, software updates contain bug fixes for issues like this.
  • Go to “Settings” > “General” > “Software Update” to check for and install any available updates.

ios 17 update versi panganyarna
3. Fixing iPhone System Issues with AimerLab FixMate

If the above solutions fail to resolve the issue and you suspect a deeper software problem, AimerLab FixMate offers a comprehensive solution. This powerful tool specializes in repairing 150+ iOS system issues, including those affecting location services and camera functionality.

By following the steps below, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the issue of iPhone photos not showing location using AimerLab FixMate:

Lengkah 1
: Get AimerLab FixMate started by installing it on your PC. Run the application after the installation is finished.

Lengkah 2 : Plug in your iPhone’s USB cord to your PC, and FixMate will automatically detect your device and display it on the interface. Look for the “Fix iOS System Issues” feature, which can address deeper iOS issues by reinstalling the system without data loss. Click on the “ Mimitian ” button within FixMate’s interface to proceed.
iphone 15 klik ngamimitian
Lengkah 3 : Within FixMate, click on the “ Lebetkeun Pamulihan Mode ” button. This action places your iPhone into recovery mode, a necessary state for resolving various iOS issues. If your iPhone needs to get out of recovery mode, click on the “ Kaluar Mode Pamulihan ” button. This initiates the process of leaving recovery mode and may resolve the software update issue.
FixMate asup sareng kaluar tina mode recovery
Lengkah 4 : Opt for the “ Perbaikan standar ” mode to initiate the resolution process for your software update stuck problem. If this mode fails to resolve the issue, consider trying the “ Perbaikan jero ” option, known for its higher success rate.
FixMate Pilih Perbaikan Standar
Lengkah 5 : FixMate will identify your iPhone model and provide the most recent firmware package suitable for your device. You’ll need to click on “ ngalereskeun ” to download this firmware.
ngundeur iphone 15 firmware
Lengkah 6 : After downloading the firmware package, click on “ Mimitian ngalereskeun ” to address the software update stuck issue.
iphone 15 ngamimitian ngalereskeun
Lengkah 7 : FixMate will work diligently to resolve the issue with your iPhone. Please remain patient and keep your iPhone connected to the computer, as the repair process may take a few minutes.
iphone 15 ngalereskeun masalah
Lengkah 8 : FixMate will notify you when the repair is complete, and your iPhone should then power on and operate normally. Now that you can check whether your iphone photos show location or not.
iphone 15 ngalereskeun réngsé


The frustration of iPhone photos failing to display their location information can diminish the joy of reminiscing. Through step-by-step solutions like enabling location services, resetting location and privacy settings, and checking GPS signals, users can regain the ability to tag their photos with accurate location data.

Additionally, for more complex software issues, tools like AimerLab FixMate offer comprehensive solutions. By following the provided steps, users can address deeper iOS system issues and ensure that their iPhone functions smoothly, allowing them to capture and relive their memories with ease. Suggest downloading AimerLab FixMate when you are facing any system issues on your iPhone.